Discovery Call


Stephen’s treatment philosophy:

As the client, the focus is on you and your experience. An assessment starts with your story – what you’ve been feeling and how it has affected your life. We then assess your movement and strength as appropriate and work together to create a plan for recovery that meets your needs. Treatment typically consists of a combination of education, exercise and manual therapy (hands-on treatment).

I look forward to meeting you and starting a journey toward health and physical activity!


An avid rock climber, rehabilitating distance runner and budding powerlifter, Stephen graduated from Western University with a Masters of Physical Therapy. He enjoys meeting and treating all kinds of people and takes particular joy in helping people recovering from fracture, surgery or injury return to their daily adventures.

Stephen grew up a musician and briefly participated in pairs figure skating. Through elementary school, he participated in all sports available, but somehow was never enrolled in soccer. Once in high school, his music education expanded from piano and trumpet to include singing. He promptly joined the rugby team and began his high school track career as a decathlete but settled on 400m sprints and relays after a couple seasons. Throughout high school, he enjoyed playing rugby as a flanker until he was outclassed in university by much larger gentlemen.

University saw his attention turn to rock climbing, when he trained and competed in Montreal for 5 years. He has more than 15 years of climbing experience, enjoying bouldering, sport climbing and trad climbing. His hardest boulder sent is Worm World Cave (Squamish-V9) and hardest sport route is 5.12c. Having been in and out of climbing for the past few years, he has only lead trad climbs in the 5.10b/c range. He has also dabbled in alpine climbing, ascending Mt Sir Donald (3,297m – Rogers Pass) in 2020.

Stephen completed his first half marathon, the Toronto Waterfront Marathon, in October 2017. In 2018 he ran each day for 247 days, a running streak that ultimately ended due to an Achilles injury. Stephen’s focus changed to cycling and he completed a triple crown (Cypress, Grouse, Seymour) in 2020 and 2022. Endurance was lacking in the cycling department and so he dialed back and recently took up powerlifting with the goal of reaching the 1000lb club. He hopes to rehabilitate his Achilles, return to running, add swimming and perhaps participate in a triathlon or two.

When he isn’t in the clinic, Stephen sings in Chor Leoni, engages in topical iron supplementation (powerlifting) and enjoys the great outdoors. Talk to him about anything! He loves learning new things.

Stephen’s treatment philosophy: As the client, the focus is on you and your experience. An asses... Read More

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